If your kitchen floor encounters frequent spills of food and the pitter patter of kids or pets, laminate flooring might be the solution. It mimics the look of tile or hardwood and has a lower price tag. It’s a practical alternative to the hardwood floors, offering homeowners realistic wood finishes in a wide variety of styles.
Laminate flooring, which is composed of several layers of engineered material sandwiched together, is designed to imitate the look of wood or tile. It resists scratches and scuffs, thanks to an internal “wear layer” so it’s great for homeowners whose kitchens must contend with small kids, pets or extremely heavy use. It’s also easy to clean and maintain.
Laminate isn’t always as equipped to handle moisture as tile and vinyl are (it can warp when wet unless you have a water resistant or waterproof option), so installing it in your kitchen can make the upkeep more challenging—you’ll need a special cleaner and mop to clean it. Be sure to review the product with your sales associate more in depth to understand its specific ability to repel water/moisture.