When shopping for Vinyl Flooring you may see a lot of the above terms mentioned as selling features. In order to be best prepared when making your final selection – we’ve broken down a few more things you should be aware of when shopping for vinyl floors – Thickness & Wear Layers.
Besides the type of lifestyle and traffic the space will endure, considering the subfloor is important when buying vinyl floors. If you plan to have your new floor installed on a solid, level, smooth and dry concrete pad, then you won’t need the thickest wear layer of vinyl that’s available. But if you have an uneven subfloor in a space that’s going to go through a lot of high traffic, the best range to get would be between 12 mil and 20 mil. - WEAR LAYER
The wear layer is like the bodyguard of your floor. Its measurements are put in the thousands-of-an-inch, called mils. The more wear layer you have between your top coat and the decorative layer, the longer the floor is going to last. Twenty to 28-mil ratings are typically for higher traffic and commercial areas.